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Travelling suggestion box


Vlaamse Scholierenkoepel


The good practice is developed to have a discussion where every young person is heard.

When Muhammed doesn't come to the mountain, make the mountain go to Muhammed. By bringing the suggestion box into the classroom, your youth movement or organisation you can reach even the quiet ones who won't be heard in a discussion.


Make an interesting suggestion box, for example by putting a backpack on the skeleton from Biology. Pin a (broad) question on its head, such as 'what would make lunch break more fun?'. Each week, the suggestion box travels from one classroom to another. Pick classrooms where practically every pupil comes once a week (PE, Biology...). When pupils have the skeleton in their classroom, they can put their suggestions in its backpack.

--> People who want to gather ideas from the young persons at school.


Whoever wants to, can participate. No ideas, no worries.

By giving a direction to think in (lunch break, regulations...) you make it easier for young people to come up with ideas than by saying 'just give us your suggestions for everything'.

A standard suggestion box dies a lonely death. With the travelling version, you bring something new every time. Putting a question on top makes it more specific and easier to come up with ideas.


It can be done in every situation where there are mutiple rooms and many people.


It’s tested on a number of schools by different pupils, with different school culture over the years.

Each young person is given the opportunity to give his/her ideas on a certain topic: they think along about the school, youth movement or yout organisation and actively participate.

! Just remember to let the box 'travel' now and then and to do something with the suggestions given. It is important to let the young persons know what happens with the results. After all, knowledge is also part of participation!



High degree / regularly

Gender sensitivity:

High degree / regularly

Culture sensitivity:

High degree / regularly

Doable (practical):

High degree / regularly


High degree / regularly

Replicable and adaptable:

High degree / regularly


High degree / regularly

Type of good practice

Practical tool


Promoting democratic values, Youth civic participation


One day or less

Type of activity

Group activity


An original idea box


Vlaamse Schplierenkoepel


© 2019 by We Hear You

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